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Activate Ventures ℠
Investment Focus
We seek leaders who understand their customers' needs, possess a capital-efficient mindset, and have the ability to close early reference customers.
Companies with early sales momentum and growing usage which can demonstrate product / market fit match our investment profile.
Given our focus on early stage businesses, we prefer to invest in companies with easy access to our offices in Pennsylvania and New York City.
Our initial investments will range from $750k to $3 million depending on the stage of development and capital intensity of the business.
Activate Ventures ℠
Our Approach
We primarily act as lead or co-lead investor, setting the terms, joining the board of directors, and working hard on behalf of the management team and shareholders.
We strive to develop a trusted, constructive and supportive relationship with management without encroaching on their autonomy.
Capital-efficiency governs our attitude toward compensation plans, operating expenditures, and value creation. Its practice focuses the mind, inspires resourcefulness, and promotes wise decision-making.

Our Team
Jeffrey A. Davison
General Partner
Don Yount
Operating Partner
Avlyn Ashterman-Reece
Administrative Director